Cookiecutter PyPackage (romnnn)

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Opinionated cookiecutter template for python packages, forked from briggySmalls/cookiecutter-pypackage.

The key features of this template include:

  • Dependency tracking using pipenv

  • Linting using flake8

  • Formatting provided by black and isort

  • Automatic documentation from Google style docstrings with sphinx

  • All development tasks (lint, format, test, etc) wrapped up in a cli by invoke

  • Automatic deployment to PyPI

  • Automatic publishing of your documentation to GitHub Pages


This template has most of the features of the original briggySmalls/cookiecutter-pypackage (which is based on audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage), but has been configured to my personal needs and modified for ease of use and simplicity.

The following features have been removed:

  • Support for python2. It’s finally over! :tada:

  • Support for bootstrapping multiple licenses. MIT is used.

  • Support for bootstrapping multiple testing frameworks. pytest is used.

  • Optional Google docstrings are now default.

  • Only flake8 (no more pylint) is used for linting

  • No more HISTORY.rst file. Must be manually included for projects that require it.

  • AppVeyor continuous integration. Only Travis-CI is used.

The following features have been changed:

  • yapf was replaced by black for formatting python code

  • alabaster was replaced by press as the default documentation theme

The following features have been added:

  • pre-commit hooks that are automatically installed and run before every commit

  • Aggressive type-checking using mypy

  • good test coverage is a requirement

  • Automatic initialization of a git repository post generation

  • Automatic installation of development dependencies post generation

  • Automatic deployment to GitHub Pages of the documentation.


Install cookiecutter>=1.4.0, virtualenv and pipenv if you haven’t already:

$ python3 -m pip install --no-cache-dir virtualenv
$ python3 -m pip install -U cookiecutter
$ sudo apt install pipenv     # for apt users
$ brew install pipenv         # for mac users

Generate your python project (you will be asked for the project name etc):

$ cookiecutter

After your project was created:

  • Create a remote repository and publish your package:

    $ cd <mypackage>
    $ git remote add origin
    $ git add .
    $ git commit -m "Initial commit"
    $ git push --set-upstream origin master
  • Activate the project’s virtual environment with:

    $ pipenv shell

    When your environment is active, you should see the name of your package in your command prompt.

    If you receive an error Shell for UNKNOWN_VIRTUAL_ENVIRONMENT already activated., it is likely that you are inside another shell that has been started sometime ago. Run exit and try again.


    When you are done working on this project, run deactivate to deactivate the environment.

  • Make an initial release of your package to PyPI. You will be asked for your credentials:

    $ pip install twine
    $ python sdist
    $ twine upload dist/*
  • Get a deployment token for your package on PyPI under Manage > Settings > Create token. It is good practice to use your package name as the token description and restrict access to only this package. Make sure to copy to copy the token as we will use it in the next steps.

  • Add the repo to your Travis-CI account. If you have connected travis with GitHub this is done automatically.

  • Install the Travis CLI and run:

    $ travis encrypt <your-token> --add deploy.password         # When using
    $ travis encrypt <your-token> --add deploy.password --com   # When using

    to automatically encrypt your PyPI token into your .travis.yml config.

    Unfortunately, the travis cli tool appends the token outside of any build stage, so you need to manually edit the .travis.yml config or run:

    $ invoke fix-token

    Now you can push the new .travis.yml to your remote repository:

    $ git add .travis.yml
    $ git commit -m "Add PyPI deployment token"
    $ git push
  • Add the repo to your ReadTheDocs account under My Projects > Import Project and enable the service hook if you did not connect ReadTheDocs to your GitHub.

  • If you wish to also publish your documentation on GitHub Pages, generate a GitHub access token for repo:public_repo and set this token in your travis build settings at as a secret environment variable GH_TOKEN.

    If you do not want to deploy to GitHub Pages, remove the deploy pages build stage from .travis.yml.

  • Start coding! Add your package dependencies to your and Pipfile as you go, and lock them into your virtual environment with:

    $ pipenv install --dev
  • Release new versions of your package by pushing a new tag to master:

    $ bump2version (major | minor | patch)
    $ git push
    $ git push --tags


If you need more guidance I encourage you to have a look at the more extensive documentation.